
De Wikidébats, l'encyclopédie des débats et des arguments « pour » et « contre »
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$(function() {

/* <Dynamic API call> */

function loadContentFromTitle(titleElement){
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    // Insérez l'image juste avant l'élément .argument-expandable-title

function argumentContentCall() {
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function argumentMapColor(){
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function argumentMapContentCall(){
	$('.ns-0').on('click', '#Argument_map .titre-argument-carte', function(){
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function argumentContentDrop(){
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		if ($('#bouton-fil').length) {
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function moreContentCall(){
$(document).on('click', '.more-content-button', function(){
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function latestChangesCall(){
$('.ns-0').on('click', '.latest-changes-button', function(){
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/* Pour afficher le fil d'Ariane d'un argument */

function breadcrumbContentCall() {
    $(document).on('click', '#bouton-fil', function() {
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        var page = $(this).next('.argument-expandable-title').data('page');
        var query = '{{Fil d\'Ariane | chemin = ' + path + ' | page = ' + page + ' }}';

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            text: query
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            // Ajoutez la boîte modale à la page
            // Fermez la boîte modale lorsqu'un clic se produit en dehors de son contenu

/* </Dynamic API call> */

function fillEditSummaryForCheckbox(object, section, addingMessage, removingMessage){
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	if (condition == '*/ ') {
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$('.mw-special-FormEdit').on('click', '.zone-introduction .oo-ui-inputWidget-input', function(){
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$('.mw-special-FormEdit').on('click', '.zone-voir-Wikipedia', function(){
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$('.mw-special-FormEdit').on('click', '.zone-arguments-pour .oo-ui-inputWidget-input', function(){
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$('.mw-special-FormEdit').on('click', '.zone-arguments-contre', function(){
	var summary = $('input[name=wpSummary]').val();
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$('.mw-special-FormEdit').on('click', '.zone-biblio-pour', function(){
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$('.mw-special-FormEdit').on('click', '.zone-video-nini .oo-ui-inputWidget-input', function(){
	fillEditSummaryForCheckbox($(this), '/* Vidéographie ni « pour » ni « contre » */', 'Ajout d’un bandeau d’avertissement', 'Retrait d’un bandeau d’avertissement');

$('.mw-special-FormEdit').on('click', '.zone-debats-connexes', function(){
	var summary = $('input[name=wpSummary]').val();
	if (!summary) {
		$('input[name=wpSummary]').val('/* Débats connexes */ ');

$('.mw-special-FormEdit').on('click', '.resume-modifications', function(){
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	var newSummary = $(this).text();
	if (summary) {
	var condition = summary.substr(-3);
	if (condition == '*/ ') {
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	} else {
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	} else {

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 * Enables or disables the dark-mode gadget.
 * Authors: [[User:SD0001]], [[User:Nardog]]

// 'Dark mode' and 'Light mode' messages must match the ::before content in
// [[MediaWiki:Gadget-dark-mode-toggle-pagestyles.css]] and [[MediaWiki:Gadget-dark-mode.css]], respectively.
// Don't overwrite existing messages, if already set on a foreign wiki prior to loading this file
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		'darkmode-turn-off-tooltip': 'Activer le thème clair',

var isOn = mw.loader.getState('ext.gadget.dark-mode') === 'ready';

var broadcastChannel = new BroadcastChannel('gadget-dark-mode');

function setThemeColor() {
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function setHtmlClass() {
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	// A brief flash of the original styles will occur, so this is only suitable for style changes for which flashes are tolerable.
	// For others, update Gadget-dark-mode.css directly which is loaded without FOUCs
	$(document.documentElement).toggleClass('client-dark-mode', isOn);

function vectorStickyCallback() {
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function addPortlets() {
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function getMsg(suffix) {
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	return mw.msg(key);

function makePortletLink(portletId, portletLinkId, nextnode) {
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	var tooltip = getMsg('tooltip');
	$(mw.util.addPortletLink(portletId, '#', label, portletLinkId, tooltip, '', nextnode))
		.children().on('click', function (e) {

function togglePortlets() {
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function actuallyToggleDarkMode() {
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	// We can't use mw.loader as it doesn't work both ways (see talk page)
	var scriptPath = mw.util.wikiScript('load');
	var $gadgetsLink = $('link[rel="stylesheet"][href^="' + scriptPath + '?"][href*="ext.gadget."]');
	if ($gadgetsLink.length) {
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				.replace(/,dark-mode(,|$)/, '$1'); // dark-mode is in middle or end of the list
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	} else {
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			rel: 'stylesheet',
			href: scriptPath + '?lang=' + mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage') +
				'&modules=ext.gadget.dark-mode&only=styles&skin=' + mw.config.get('skin')

function savePreference() {
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function savePreferenceLocally() {
	mw.user.options.set('gadget-dark-mode', Number(isOn));

	// In case the user navigates to another page too quickly'dark-mode-toggled', isOn ? '1' : '0');

function notifyOtherTabs() {
	// Broadcast state change to other tabs

function toggleMode(offline) {
	isOn = !isOn;
	if (!offline) {

function toggleBasedOnSystemColourScheme() {
	var systemSchemeNow = matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches;
	var systemSchemeLast ='dark-mode-system-scheme') === '1';

	if (systemSchemeNow !== systemSchemeLast) {
		if (systemSchemeNow !== isOn) {
		mw.requestIdleCallback(function () {'dark-mode-system-scheme', systemSchemeNow ? '1' : '0');

$.when($.ready, mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.util', 'mediawiki.api', 'mediawiki.Uri', ''])).then(function () {

	// Recover state if the navigation was too quick
	var storageState ='dark-mode-toggled');
	if (storageState && Number(storageState) !== Number(isOn)) {

	// Listen to dark mode state change made on other tabs
	broadcastChannel.onmessage = function (msg) {
		if ( !== isOn) {

	if (window.wpDarkModeAutoToggle) {

		// If system colour scheme changes while user is viewing, toggle immediately
		var mediaQuery = matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)');
		if (mediaQuery.addEventListener) {
			mediaQuery.addEventListener('change', toggleBasedOnSystemColourScheme);
		} else if (mediaQuery.addListener) { // Safari 13 and older